Honeybee races

The below are the races of honeybee we have in our apiary

Carniolan Honey Bee - Apis mellifera carnica

The Carniolan honey bees (Carnica) is a subspecies of the western honey bee that has adapted to the sub-region of Slovenia, northern Italy, eastern parts of Carnian Alps, parts of Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Croatia. They have bright grey hair along the edges of its abdomen and are smaller than other races of bees. It has an excellent sense of orientation, diligence and gentleness - these features make it superior to Italian bees. It tolerates cold, snow and warm summers very well and make a good use of forage when available.

The Carniolan bees overwinter in small clusters and use a modest food supply during winters. Spring build up is abrupt and colonies can reach their peak numbers quickly.

Caucasian Honey Bee - Apis mellifera caucasia

The Caucasian honey bee originates from the valleys of the Central Caucasus in Georgia. This subspecies is also found in eastern Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Caucasian bees are silver-gray to dark brown. They have longer tongue than many other races of honeybees and can take advantage of more nectar sources.

Caucasian bees are known for high propolis production. They overwinter very well in cold climates and conserve the honey reserve very well during winter. They forage earlier than other races and in colder conditions.


Caucasian Honeybee - A superior line of bees with most potential